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Registrati ora per avere accesso a tutte le funzioni. Una volta effettuato l'accesso, potrai creare discussioni, rispondere a quelle esistenti, avere il tuo messenger personale, postare aggiornamenti di stato, gestire il tuo profilo, e molto altro. Se hai già un account effettua il log in - in caso contrario registrati gratis subito!

Discussione di Aiuto: How to Register

To be able to enjoy all of the features available to the community, you will need to sign up for a member account. Registration is easy and only takes a moment to complete.

To sign up, click the "" link at the top of any page. You can then provide your email address and password to complete the registration process.
Some communities may have an easier way to register without filling out the registration form. If enabled, you will see a Facebook or Twitter icon next to the Create Account button. If you use these services, you can use your existing login information from those services to link your account. Registration via this method takes only 3 clicks and will return you back to the forum after you authorize it.
You may be registered and logged straight in, or you may have to verify your email address by clicking a link in an email that we will send you. If this is the case, a screen will appear with further instructions. You will receive a confirmation of your membership as an email.