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Caw Scott Streiner

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  • Utente
  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • 319 post
  • Iscritto il 16-settembre 10
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Provenienza:palermo
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Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner
Texture - 4
Skin Color - 3
Shine - -9
Age - 50
Hair - 2/77 (40,207,255)
Eyes - 1/10 (0,255,0)
Eyelashes - 4/15 (15,128,30)
Eyebrows - 17/33 (41,189,100)
Teeth - 1/14 (21,241,180)

Face Morphing
Head - (18,8,16)
Cranium - (0,-75,51,-35)
Eyebrows - (-100,-100,0,15)
Eyes - (-28,-20,-25,-46,70,-40,-17)
Nose - (-65,-100,15,20,-35,74,-60,0)
Cheeks - (30,100,35,0)
Mouth - (70,-55,-40,10,24,-70,-40)
Jaw - (-35,25,52,-9,63,100)
Ears - (10,10,0,0)

Height - (6'1")
Size - 3/11

Body Morphing
Neck - (-40,38,30)
Chest - (-5,23,38,30)
Traps - (78,36,42)
Shoulders - (-5,30,30)
Abdomen - (5,32,23)
Waist - (70,34)
Arms - (-20)
Biceps - (18,30)
Forearms - (18,20)
Hands - (0,0,0)
Legs - (10)
Thighs - (10,20)
Calves - (11,25)
Feet - (0,3,8)

Layers - Attire 1
9 - Mustache 13/15 (42,199,255)
10 - Combinations 11/25 (42,199,255)
11 - Combinations 10/25 (42,199,255)
12 - Designs 131/144 (14,145,215) (*this design goes on his upper forehead to give it a receding hair line*)
13 - Paint Tool (*Black Part of his goatee*)
14 - Paint Tool (*in the top of his forehead in the center of it part of his hair-line*)
15 - Paint Tool (*same as layer 14*)
16 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*stretch vertically and place it over where his temple is*)
17 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*same as above other side of face*)
18 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19 (0,255,30)
19 - Paint Tool (*superman symbol on the side of his leg*)
20 - Paint Tool (*same symbol other leg*)
21 - Paint Tool (*Big Poppa Pump on his butt*)
22 - Paint Tool (*the picture of steiner on the front of his tights*)
23 - Socks 3/13 (0,255,22) Length - 70
24 - Knee Pads 4/14 (0,255,35)
25 - Boots 33/44 1st (0,255,10) 2nd (0,255,10)
*Entrance Attire*
Glasses - 19/40 1st (0,255,135) 2nd (0,255,35,0)

Layers - Attire 2
9 - Mustache 13/15 (42,199,255)
10 - Combinations 11/25 (42,199,255)
11 - Combinations 10/25 (42,199,255)
12 - Designs 131/144 (14,145,215) (*this design goes on his upper forehead to give it a receding hair line*)
13 - Paint Tool (*Black Part of his goatee*)
14 - Paint Tool (*in the top of his forehead in the center of it part of his hair-line*)
15 - Paint Tool (*same as layer 14*)
16 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*stretch vertically and place it over where his temple is*)
17 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*same as above other side of face*)
18 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19 (0,255,30)
19 - Paint Tool (*superman symbol on the side of his leg*)
20 - Paint Tool (*same symbol other leg*)
21 - Paint Tool (*Big Poppa Pump on his butt*)
22 - Paint Tool (*the picture of steiner on the front of his tights*)
23 - Socks 3/13 (0,255,22) Length - 70
24 - Knee Pads 4/14 (0,255,35)
25 - Boots 33/44 1st (0,255,10) 2nd (0,255,10)
*Entrance Attire*
Glasses - 14/40 (0,255,0)

Layers - Attire 3
9 - Mustache 13/15 (42,199,255)
10 - Combinations 11/25 (42,199,255)
11 - Combinations 10/25 (42,199,255)
12 - Designs 131/144 (14,145,215) (*this design goes on his upper forehead to give it a receding hair line*)
13 - Paint Tool (*Black Part of his goatee*)
14 - Paint Tool (*in the top of his forehead in the center of it part of his hair-line*)
15 - Paint Tool (*same as layer 14*)
16 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*stretch vertically and place it over where his temple is*)
17 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*same as above other side of face*)
18 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19 (0,55,165)
19 - Paint Tool (*the 69 symbol on the front of his tights*)
20 - Paint Tool (*the s in the circle design on his leg*)
21 - Paint Tool (*Big Poppa Pump on his butt*)
22 - Paint Tool (*same as layer 20 but other leg*)
23 - Socks 3/13 (0,255,22) Length - 70
24 - Knee Pads 4/14 (0,255,35)
25 - Boots 33/44 1st (0,255,10) 2nd (0,255,10)
*Entrance Attire*
Glasses - 31/40 1st (0,255,21) 2nd (0,255,120) 3rd (0,255,20)

Layers - Attire 4
9 - Mustache 13/15 (42,199,255)
10 - Combinations 11/25 (42,199,255)
11 - Combinations 10/25 (42,199,255)
12 - Designs 131/144 (14,145,215) (*this design goes on his upper forehead to give it a receding hair line*)
13 - Paint Tool (*Black Part of his goatee*)
14 - Paint Tool (*in the top of his forehead in the center of it part of his hair-line*)
15 - Paint Tool (*same as layer 14*)
16 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*stretch vertically and place it over where his temple is*)
17 - Designs 107/144 (14,145,215) (*same as above other side of face*)
18 - Underwear & Trunks 1/19 (0,255,255)
19 - Socks 3/13 (0,255,22) Length - 70
20 - Outfits 1/24 (0,255,255,0)
21 - Paint Tool (*superman symbol on the side of his leg*)
22 - Paint Tool (*same symbol other leg*)
23 - Paint Tool (*star symbol with his face in it*)
24 - Paint Tool (*the words super star over the star*)
25 - Paint Tool (*Big Poppa Pump on his back*)
26 - Knee Pads 4/14 (0,255,35)
27 - Boots 33/44 1st (0,255,10) 2nd (0,255,10)
*Entrance Attire*
Glasses - 19/40 1st (0,255,135) 2nd (0,255,35,0)

credits:da,autore R9Benny

Modificato da toni, 03 dicembre 2010 - 17:27




  • Utente
  • StellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStellettaStelletta
  • 1349 post
  • Iscritto il 28-aprile 10
  • Sesso:Maschio


ragazzi, consiglio utile e facile facile. Per riprodurre il tatuaggio del cuore sovrapposto alla croce che Scott ha sul petto basta:
Usare uno dei nuovi tatuaggi che è proprio la croce di Steiner e poi a questa sovrapponete il tatuaggio a forma di cuore (non quello normale blu, ma quello usato come logo anni fa sui pantaloni da HBK). A questo punto per i colori del cuore dovrete portare tutte le parti al valore del rosso più chiaro (se non sbaglio è l'ultimo colore indicato ma potrei sbagliarmi). Il risultato è non superlativo ma più che accettabile.

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